Before you try to impress that someone with that bouquet of roses, make sure you know the meaning behind it, the meaning of roses; what the number of roses represent.
Like the different colors of roses deliver a different message from you to your loved ones, the same way the number of roses you are giving to any one have different meanings too. Mostly these are considered for red roses as love is commonly expressed by red roses.

- Red | Sincere Love & Respect, Courage & Passion Send red roses to convey the message of your passionate love for that someone; saying "I love you" |
- Pink | Grace and Gentility, the rose of sweet thoughts. Send deep pink roses to show your appreciation & gratitude; saying "Thank you" Send light pink roses to convey admiration and sympathy |
- Yellow | In the Victorian times, yellow roses meant jealousy. But today, they signify friendship, joy, gladness and freedom, the promise of a new beginning. Send yellow roses to brighten up someone’s day; to congratulate your friends and loved ones during Joyous occasions. |
- White | Spiritual love & Purity, the rose of confession, the bridal rose; "You are heavenly", "I am worthy of you" |
- Lavender | Love at first sight and enchantment Send lavender roses of course, to convey the message of your "love at first sight" with that special someone. You can nevertheless also send them if you would like to make a special impression. |
- Orange | Passionate desire, pure enthusiasm and fascination An excellent choice for a new relationship that you wish to pursue further. It can nevertheless also be referring to a new business partnership. |
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