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Friday, January 21, 2011

Diet for Skin Problems

It is said that the skin is the reflection of our eating habits. A glowing skin is the sign of a healthy body. Therefore, any treatment must begin from the inside. Our skin needs every day nutritional supplies such as protein, fats, essential fatty acids and vitamins and minerals.

A healthy skin is a well nourished skin, whose cells are renewing permanently. That’s why it needs foods that furnish vitamin A (yolks, liver, fats in diary products, greens, carrots), zinc (oysters, meat), essential fatty acids (cold sea fish, sprouts, walnuts, almonds). Besides all these, you should nourish your skin using a special face cream in order to keep it soft.
Dry skin
If you are dealing with a dry skin, you should eat foods rich in monosaturated fats such as avocado, olive oil and citric fruits. These good fats sustain skin firmness and prevent dehydration. Foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, like fish, flax seeds oil and primrose oil are also a great remedy for dry skin. Cabbage contains organic sulphur that can prevent skin dryness and irritation.
Stay away from saturated fats so you avoid the lack of balance of prostaglandin, which is responsible for the health of the skin, and foods that contain fats and hydrogenated oils. You should also avoid caffeine as it can dehydrate intern tissues and skin.
If you have acne, you should know that zinc, which is a natural mineral, is your trustworthy ally against oily skin. The most recommended foods that contain zinc are oysters and almonds.

And, in order to prevent your face to swollen, eat a lot of vegetables and greens rich in vitamin B6. Also, orange-colored vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene, which is transformed by our body into vitamin A that reduces fats.

Avoid foods rich in iodine, like the seaweed used in preparing Japanese food, and salt as it stimulates sebaceous glands and irritates pores. Diary products contain hormones and antibiotic residues that can contribute to the appearance of acne, therefore you should reduce to the minimum the consumption of diary products.
You should eat fish, cucumbers, onion, garlic, liquorice and ginger that have calming effects and keeps under control skin irritations. Tofu is one of the foods that have extraordinary properties when it comes to calming the skin. In order to add taste to your meals use spices such as curry, rich in curcuma, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
Stay away from red and yellow foods, and reduce the consumption of saturated fats. Hot drinks, alcohol and caffeine make the blood vessels swallow and this explains the temporary redness of the skin. Peanuts should also be avoided.
Puffy eyes
Eat asparagus, parsley and drink tea as these are natural diuretics that help reducing swellings. Bananas, rich in potassium, and citrus fruits maintain fluids at their normal level. Cayenne pepper is an important ally in stimulating circulation, and it helps lymphatic draining of the area around the eyes.

Cucumbers are known for their instant effect. You should just take a few cold slices and put them on your eyes. As an external remedy you can also use potatoes. Almond oil has beneficial effects on puffy eyes. Use it every night before going to bed and massage your eyelids.

Avoid alcohol and bread as they contain yeast, which explains eye swelling. Avoid soy sauce and semiprepared foods.

  • All vitamins in the B group play a major role in keeping a healthy and glowing skin. You can find them in whole cerelas (bread, pasta, rice), animal proteins (meat, eggs, fish) and brewer's yeast.

  • Water is crucial if you want to have a glowing skin as it allows the body to eliminate toxins. Therefore, the skin is frees to fight against all the aggressive external factors such as pollution, smoke or sun rays. It is important to hydrate yourself periodically and try to drink at least 1,5 l daily.

  • Vegetable oils contain essential fatty acids, which support the hydration of the skin. Vitamin E that you can find in these oils prevents skin dryness.

  • Salmon is one of the best sources of Omega 3 and is beneficial for your skin as it contains vitamins A, B6 and B12, and also iron and calcium.

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